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January 22, 2009

Intellectual Discourse

I just had an awakening this morning. Its like a hard loud bang on your head while you are in a deep sleep. And suddenly you are awake, frantically not knowing what, where and where. Yes, that's how I felt this morning.

At 9.00am I was at an Agency under a Ministry. Sorry, I can't reveal any names as its work related and I'm afraid it will become a breach of contract what so ever. So no names, just story.

I am with my team, errr, I am in the team led by my dad boss with several other old consultants whom are my boss friends. Not to mention, 3 of them are Drs. So its only me yang muda takde Dr.......yet.

The meeting went smoothly. So after the meeting, we all went to a cafeteria nearby to chit chat do post-mortem of the meeting. Well, the post-mortem thingy took about 10mins or so, then followed by sembang hal isu semasa dunia.

Boy oh boy!! Mak amatlah terasa tidak pandainya bila para Drs ni berbual. Sangatlah terserlah kepandaian, kebijaksanaan mereka. The topics are nothing close to shopping, handbag, blogging. Its all about Gaza, Obama, oil price, power this power that, strategy A, plan B, execution C. DANG!!

Ok, saya tidaklah sebodoh tidak tahu itu, tahu juga tentang Gaza, kenapa Israel laknat serang Gaza, kenapa Hamas tidak bertindak tapi tidak pernah pulak ada diskusi begitu dengan sesiapa pun. paling tidak, patutnye bomkan je Israel tu.

Ohh, how I feel so small, and Yes, I kept smiling silence throughout the Intellectual Discourse. Apa nak jadi???

Saya tekad, lepas ini kena tambahkan ilmu didada. Form harus ku isi dengan segera. Buku-buku ilmiah papa boss mesti dipinjam!!


noniey said...

kalau saya, mesti lagi teruk..tak tau apa2 langsung.. kalau pasal artis ke, ok gak..huhuhu

Haya Ismail said...

let them talked abt current issue/politic issue.. me concerned too but let me talk about handbagssss, shoessss, clothessss.....zassssss
Eh apply la master kat US then PhD kat London, bulehhhh kami pi sanaaaa... ada la alasan kang..

FAM said...

noniey: tu le..sengih je le, diorg pun konpius kut awatla sengih je xckp sepatah pun. huhu

k aya: sapa nak sponsor den pi US London nunnn???

Mrs Azarol said...

saya pun juga masih dalam keadaan senyum2 kambing bile tetiba termasuk dlm group mcm ni..bukan x minat, x sampai seru hehe

MN said...

good to know some issues, cuma mungkin wavelength kita tak sama dgn diorg kot.