Yup girls! They are chocolates. A very yummylooking chocoloates aye? Have a look at more beautiful chocolates here. Ishh...kalau dapat ni, sayang nak makan. Buat display je la....

I was browsing the internet and found these. And I thought, they are gorgeous. So I clicked to find out more; like what brand, who made them etc. But OooMmmmG, they are totally the opposite of what I thought it should be. What do you think it is?
I will tell.....................................................................later! *wink*

is it chocolate?
a'ah..i think so too lah..hehehehe..kalau betul..nyum nyum..
tobat tak makan...sayang..letak dlm lemari jer la
cantiknya cokelat.. sayang lak nak wat makan :)
arghh!! dan dan teringin nak makan coklat!!! jahat post ni... :P
huih. coklat ke? comelnyaaa!!!!!!!!!!
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