Yesterday while reading NST, I came across an article about swapping bags. They are organizing an evening event where you can come with your handbag/s and swap with other women for other handbags. The rule is, once you're in, you bag is no longer your bag and you must come out with different bag. Oh...there's also another rule. The bag or bags you are bringing must be priced between rm500 to rm1000 (branded lah kan!) and in excellent condition almost new.
Any takers? More info here.
Hmm....kalau keluar dapat pulak bag ni, sapa tak nak ek?
Any takers? More info here.
Hmm....kalau keluar dapat pulak bag ni, sapa tak nak ek?

Tak sudah² dgn mbmj nih!

hehehe..sanggup tak??? bawak coach..kuar mbmj. sanggup!!! hahahah
Has: kalau takat coach buruk sy, sanggup jeeee! hahahahaha
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